The English School for Girls is one of the most established schools in Kuwait

Admission process
Thank you for choosing the English School for Girls. We are pleased that you are considering becoming a part of our ESG community of learners. The main objective of ESG’s Admissions Department is to manage students’ and parents’ administrative and admissions needs. This includes assisting with applications to the school, administering entry assessments, registration, managing withdrawal procedures when a student leaves, communicating with families and maintaining students’ information files. Your inquiries concerning admissions are important to us as we realise how significant your decision is to select the most suitable school for your children.
The following application and registration documents are required :
1- Transferring from outside of Kuwait or in Kuwait:
- Copy of report from the previous academic year
- Behaviour report pervious school ( Year 7 onwards)
- Final transcript previous school ( Year 10 onwards)
- English and maths assessment ( from Year 3 to Year 10)
- KG, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 an interview with the relevant member of staff
- Application
- Two recent photos of student (passport size)
- Passport copy ( Child – Father – Mother)
- Copy of residence visa (for non-Kuwaitis only)
2- Upon acceptance to the school, the following documents are required :
- Final report card for previous academic year.
- Clearance certificate from previous school.
- Original transfer certificate from previous school.
- Original Medical File.
- KD 100 Registration fee (non-refundable).

frequently asked questions
about ESG school
We accept students from Foundation Stage 1, which is for girls who are normally aged 3 years old
When you contact the school, the registrar will be able to confirm this for you.
At the moment we are unable to accept students with SEND.
Potential students for all years will be assessed by a member of staff before they are accepted into the school.
The school’s registrar will be able to provide details of the school’s bus network and the cost when your daughter is offered a place.
All Foundation Stage students can attend the supervised late club held every day. The school’s office will be able to provide details and prices for this service when your daughter is offered a place.